O Cavalo de Turim
Título Original
The Turin Horse
Realizado por
O filme, realizado pelo húngaro Béla Tarr ("Sátántangó", "Perdição", "O Homem de Londres"), foi o vencedor do Urso de Prata - Grande Prémio do Júri no Festival de Berlim em 2011 e é, segundo as palavras do realizador, o filme que encerra a sua carreira. PÚBLICO
Críticas Ípsilon
Críticas dos leitores
José Couto
Fiz 300 km para ir ver este filme de 30 planos e posso afirmar que, depois de o ver/ouvir/sentir, valeu absolutamente cada quilómetro percorrido e cada minuto ansiado: uma experiência sensorial inolvidável, que tive a sorte (e o supremo prazer) de reeditar no cineclube de Tavira. Um filme único, para rever sempre.
Resposta ao EC
Resposta ao EC
Caro EC. Essa tradução está longe de ser fiel à entrevista original.
H2N: The thing I'm most curious about is the neighbor's monologue, what he said in that monologue-I mean I think it speaks for itself, but the reaction of the man in the film is "Rubbish!" and I wonder if someone had said all that to you what would your reaction have been?
BT: No, you know it's-if you go to the next bar and you could feel the people, and you can see how when they are drinking, or how they are telling their own monologues-this is just a point of view. This is someone's monologue who just needs some spirit, he's just coming and waiting for his bottle and during all this time he is talking talking talking talking, like someone in the next bar, you know, and that's simple; nothing more, and of course the people are in the bar, and the alcoholic people they are talking always about serious things.
H2N: But he does make some interesting points.
BT: Ah it's something that's interesting of course-if he says we made everything dirty, if we touch something it becomes dirty, you know this is really something, but I do not want to judge, to tell you this is serious or not. It's up to you.
Vasco Ferreira Campos
Um comum mortal
Bestas de Carga
J.F.Vieira Pinto
Maravilhoso, mas...
Maria Maria...
Maria Stahl
Maria Silva
Maria Silva
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Submissão feita com sucesso!